Message from the Director
Tokushima University Hospital
We will contribute to the local community as a hospital providing safe and advanced medical care
Tokushima University Hospitalʼs mission is to provide patients with highly advanced and quality medical care as the prefectureʼs only specially functioning hospital and to contribute to the local community.
In addition to providing cutting-edge and safe medical care, the Hospitalʼs goals are to “provide holistic care that respects the individual,” to “develop and promote highly advanced medical
care,” to “foster highly ethical medical personnel,” and to “contribute to community medicine and the community” based on the principle of fostering humane medical personnel. Since its founding, the Hospital has forged ahead by closely collaborating with medical facilities in the community and by serving as a bastion of community medicine.
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a number of patients in Tokushima Prefecture since 2020.
As a designated medical facility for treatment of infectious diseases, the Hospital has accepted and treated many patients with severe COVID-19. The Hospital has played a major role in infection control in the prefecture.
In conjunction with the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Hospital has greatly inconvenienced inpatients by restricting their visits and overnight passes and outpatients by instituting temperature checks and movement logs, but the Hospital is working to remodel the lobby and to improve conditions within the hospital.
Nevertheless, the reality is that fiscal conditions for university hospitals in Japan have been growing more dire every year over the past few years.
In addition to improved conditions within the hospital, the Hospital needs funds to upgrade to new advanced medical equipment, to train medical personnel, and to conduct research, such as infection control measures to deal with diseases like COVID-19 and training and facility upgrades to provide safe medical care.
To that end, Tokushima University Hospital has created the Tokushima University Hospital Fund to stabilize the hospitalʼs financial base in the future, to allow the Hospital to continue providing cutting-edge medical care, and to foster personnel to facilitate medical care in the future.
The Hospital has solicited donations from patients and the public. Tokushima University Hospital seeks to explain what it is doing for patients and their families, and the Hospital asks for your support of the Tokushima University Hospital Fund to provide advanced medical care and to foster personnel in the future.